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Walk along the last 100 kilometers of the Camino de Santiago on one of the three short routes.

Since the Middle Ages, pilgrims have crossed France and Spain to walk to the cathedral of Santiago de Compostela, which houses the tomb of James the Greater, the apostle of Jesus and martyr.

Even today millions of people from all over the world are attracted to this itinerary and travel hundreds of kilometers along country roads, surrounded by an enchanting environment, driven by motivations of faith, a desire for spirituality, an inner search for peace and serenity.

Camino de Santiago: what are French, English or Portuguese ways

Among the different paths of tradition to reach the sanctuary, the French Way one is undoubtedly the best known. It starts in France from where it is necessary to cross the Pyrenees to reach Spain: in all, it covers about 800 kilometers and it is necessary a perfect physical condition, but above all, a training lasted long months.

However, if you want to travel only a part of the French Way, you can walk the last 100 kilometers and reach Santiago de Compostela, among beautiful landscapes and medieval villages.

Llegando a Barbadelo.

The short French Way departs from Sarria, passing through Barbadelo and the beautiful town of Portomarin, Castromaior and Ligonde, Palas de Rei – which owes its name to a hypothetical royal palace built in its vicinity. And again, Melide, paths through woods and small villages passing picturesque bridges of medieval origin and crossing rivers and streams, to reach Arzua, and then the small hamlets of Calzada, Calle, Ferreiros, Salceda, Brea, Santa Irene and Rúa, which is already on the outskirts of the municipality of O Pino, before finally arriving in Santiago de Compostela.


The English Way departs from Ferrol and crosses Galicia. It stands out for being within everyone’s reach thanks to the little difficult slopes. For the first 50 km the English Way skirts the ocean, crossing seaside resorts like Miño, and places more related to history and cultural and monumental richness. Touching the localities of Neda, Pontedeume, and Betanzos.

The Portuguese Way begins in Tui taking the direction to O Porriño, Redondela, Arcade, Pontevedra, the capital of the Portuguese Way in Spain – where is located the Church of the Pilgrim MTA, which protects pilgrims when they pass through here – Caldas de Reis, Padron, and O Milladoiro, before to finally reach Santiago.

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