The event known as the “World’s Largest Crab Feast” occurs annually in Annapolis, Maryland, drawing around 3,000 people! The crab feast is sponsored by the Rotary Club of Annapolis and is their largest fundraiser. Visitors polish off almost 500 bushels of crab in addition to sweet Maryland corn, hot dogs, barbecue sandwiches, and various sodas and beers. Proceeds from this all-you-can-eat feast go to different local charities and nonprofits–that’s a great reason to eat crab!
The event known as the “World’s Largest Crab Feast” occurs annually in Annapolis, Maryland, drawing around 3,000 people! The crab feast is sponsored by the Rotary Club of Annapolis and is their largest fundraiser. Visitors polish off almost 500 bushels of crab in addition to sweet Maryland corn, hot dogs, barbecue sandwiches, and various sodas and beers. Proceeds from this all-you-can-eat feast go to different local charities and nonprofits–that’s a great reason to eat crab!